Keeping a diverse and interesting aquarium is important for both your fish and your psyche. But it can be tough to know what to add to your tank and when especially if you’re not a fish expert.
Thankfully, there are some fish that can easily fit into an aquarium set up for Guppies, even if you’re new to fishkeeping!
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What Kind of Fish Can Join My Guppies?
If you’re looking for a new pet to add to your guppy community, you may be wondering what kind of fish can join your group.
There are many different types of fish that can live happily in a tank with guppies, so it’s important to do your research first.
Here are some of the most common types of fish that can live with guppies:
How to Choose the Correct Fish for Aquarium
When you’re thinking about adding a new fish to your aquarium, it can be hard to know what will work best. This is especially true if you’re not experienced with fishkeeping.
Fortunately, there are many different types of fish that can make great additions to a guppy tank, no matter your level of experience or knowledge. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the most popular fish for guppy tanks, and help you choose the right one for your needs.
If you’re just starting out, we recommend choosing a species of fish that you’re familiar with. This way, you can be sure your new addition is going to get along well with the other inhabitants in your tank. If you’re an experienced aquarist, however, there are many other options available to you.
Types of Fish You Can Add to Your Guppies
Adding a fish to your guppies’ tank can provide them with some much-needed variety and nutrition.
Here are 25 types of fish that can join your tank and provide fun and excitement for your little guppies!
- Platy Fish (Platies)
- Molly Fish (Mollies)
- Swordtail Fish
- Cory Catfish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Rainbowfish (Boeseman’s)
- Siamese Algae Eater
- Gourami Fish (Honey Gouramis)
- Angelfish
- Tetras
- Cardinal Tetra
- Neon Tetras
- Rasbora Fish (Harlequin Rasboras)
- Betta Fish (Female Betta)
- Otocinclus Fish
- Danios
- Clown Loaches
- Cichlids
- Ram Cichlids
- Peacock Cichlids
- Discus Fish
- Kuhli Loach
- Snails: Nerite Snails
- Shrimp
- Crystal Shrimp
- Amano Shrimp
- Red Cherry Shrimp
- African Dwarf Frog
Danios and Guppies
Danios and Guppies are two small fish that are often kept in tanks with other small fish. They are quite active and love swimming around. Danios tend to be a bit more aggressive than Guppies, but they are both good fish to keep in a tank.
There are many different types of fish that can make great additions to a community of guppies.
Danios are a great choice for beginner fish keepers, as they are relatively easy to care for and generally live in smaller tanks. Some other good choices for guppy companions include cichlids, barbs, and tetras.

Cory Catfish and Guppies:
Corydoras or Cory catfish and guppies are good fish for beginner aquarists because they are easy to keep and breed. Cory catfish can be kept in a standard tank, while guppies need smaller tanks with water that is flowing.
Both of these fish enjoy hiding among plants and rocks, so make sure to provide plenty of cover for them.
They usually require moderate to high-quality water conditions, but they’re less demanding than some other types of fish.

Cichlids and Guppies
A cichlid is a freshwater fish that typically inhabits fast-moving streams and rivers in Africa and South America. Guppies are a popular tropical fish that is found in many different habitats across the world.
Cichlids are a great choice because they are peaceful fish that can get along with other species. They are also hardy and can survive in a variety of environments. Some popular cichlid species include the Mbuna Cichlid, the Siamese Cichlid, and the Harlequin Cichlid.
Guppies are also a great choice for a fish tank because they are easy to care for and can be kept in a variety of setups. Some popular guppie species include the Cichlid Guppy, the Lionhead Guppy, and the Neon Guppy.
Tetras and Guppies
Fish compatibility is important when considering a new pet. Some fish species can live peacefully together while others cannot. Guppies and tetras are a great option because they are both small, low-maintenance fish.
The Neon Tetra is a small, peaceful fish that is typically easy to care for. They are easy to feed and require relatively low water changes. Neon Tetras can live in community tanks with other small fish, but they are also good companions for young children.
Overall, these two species make a great choice for beginner fish keepers because they are both small and peaceful.
They make good companions for people of all ages, but they may be shy with other fish species.

Betta Fish (Female Betta) and Guppies
The compatibility between Bettas and Guppies is generally good. Bettas are typically peaceful fish, while Guppies are active carnivores. They will get along fine provided they are kept in the same aquarium with plenty of room to swim.
A female betta fish and a guppy can live together in harmony in a tank. Bettas are predatory fish, so they will eat small prey such as guppies.
Guppies, on the other hand, are herbivorous fish that prefer to eat plants. The two species can coexist peacefully if the tank is large enough for both of them to swim around freely.

Platy Fish (Platies) and Guppies
Guppies are one of the most popular fish in the world and for good reason. They’re easy to care for, and they get along with a wide variety of other fish. However, not all fish can be compatible with guppies. In fact, some of the most common types of fish that guppies don’t mix well with are platies.
Platies are a type of fish that looks a bit like a guppy, but they have a few key differences. For one, their scales are arranged in an elaborate pattern on their body instead of being random. Platies also have a longer snout and larger eyes than guppies do. These features make them look more like predators than guppies do, which can cause problems for guppies when they try to live together.
Platies generally prefer climates that are cooler than those preferred by guppies. This means that platy fish may not be able to live in the same tank as guppies if you have both species of fish. Platy fish also require more water than guppies do, so if you try to keep them in the same tank as Guppies
Molly Fish (Mollies) and Guppies
Molly fish (Poeciliidae) is one of the most popular aquarium fish. They are small, active, and colorful fish that can be kept with other small, active fish. Guppies (Poeciliopsis sp.), cichlids, and other smaller tropical fish will get along well with mollies. Molly fish are not as hardy as some other aquarium fish.
They should not be kept in water that is too hard or cold, and they need good water quality. Like most fish, mollies do best when they are fed a varied diet.
Swordtail Fish and Guppies
One of the best things about owning guppies is that they are so easy to care for. They do not require a lot of special care, and many fish can join your guppies in their habitat. When choosing a fish to add to your guppy tank, it is important to consider its compatibility with other fish in the tank.
Swordtails are a great choice for new guppy owners because they are small and peaceful. Corydoras and plecos are both large fish that can eat smaller guppies, but they can also be housed with other fish in a mixed-species tank.
When choosing a fish for your guppy tank, it is important to consider its size and temperament.
Bristlenose Pleco and Guppies
A Bristlenose pleco (Plecoglossus bristlenosus) is a fish that can join your guppies in an aquatic ecosystem.
This fish has a long, filament-like body and grows to be quite large. The bristlenose pleco is known for its aggressiveness and its ability to resist environmental changes.
This fish is a bottom feeder that consumes smaller fish and invertebrates. Bristlenose plecos are good companions for guppies because they scavenge food and provide a sense of security.
Rainbowfish (Boeseman’s) and Guppies
Rainbowfish are a great choice for Guppies because they are peaceful fish and will not bully your Guppies. Some things to
keep in mind when choosing a Rainbowfish for your Guppies:
-Rainbowfish are a schooling fish, so make sure you have enough space for them to swim around in.
-They are tropical fish, so be sure to keep them in a warm, sunny location.
They are also omnivorous fish so they have a good variety of food to choose from.
Siamese Algae Eater and Guppies
There are a few fish that can join your guppies in an aquarium. The Siamese algae eater is a popular choice because they are known to eat algae.
They can be found in both small and large aquariums and usually have a lively personality.
Gourami Fish (Honey Gouramis) and Guppies
Gourami fish (Honey Gouramis) are a great addition to any guppy tank. They are lively and fun fish to watch. Honey Gouramis are active and playful, and they will keep your guppies entertained. Guppies will also enjoy eating the Honey Gourami’s food.
They are small and delicate, and will not compete for food or territory with the Honey Gourami. Guppies also have a wide variety of colors and patterns, making them a colorful addition to any tank.
Angelfish and Guppies
Adding a fish to your guppy tank can be a fun and interesting experience for both you and your pet. Here are some of the best fish for joining a guppy tank:
Angelfish: These fish are usually very active and fun to watch. They are also very social, so adding one to your tank will likely be a great addition for the guppies.
These little fish are known for their beautiful colors and graceful movements. They are also very peaceful and make great companions for guppies.
Rasbora Fish (Harlequin Rasboras) and Guppies
Rasbora species are typically brightly colored and have unique markings. They are also very active fish, so they will be a lot of fun to watch in your guppy tank. Some of the more common rasbora species include the harlequin rasbora (Rasbora vittata) and the flame-throated rasbora (Rasbora flammea).
If you’re interested in adding a rasbora to your guppy tank, make sure to get one that is compatible with the other fish in your tank.
Many rasbora species are aggressive feeders and may compete with Guppies for food. If you don’t want to deal with any conflict, it’s best to get a tank set up specifically for rasbora fish.
Otocinclus Fish and Guppies
The toothed fish, like the guppy, are fascinating creatures that are known for their various interesting behaviors. One of the more interesting aspects of these fish is their ability to produce a hormone called otocin. This hormone is responsible for a variety of activities, including socializing, mating, and feeding.
Otocinclus, for example, are small but fierce fish that can be great additions to any tank. Other fish that can be added to a guppy tank include small cichlids and catfish.
Your guppies will have a blast exploring their new home with these additions, and you’ll be able to keep an eye on them while you continue to enjoy their company in your regular tank.
All of these fish will require some time to get used to new surroundings and may require some additional care than your standard guppy.
Clown Loaches and Guppies
The clown loach is a strange fish, but it can be great company for guppies. The clown loach is a loach, which is a type of catfish. It has an interesting pattern on its body, with black and white stripes. The clown loach is also quite small, only reaching about two inches long. Despite its size, the clown loach is an active fish that loves to swim around.
The clown loach and the guppies get along famously. They are both active fish that enjoy swimming around, and they are both quite small. The guppies can hide among the stripes on the clown loach’s body, and the clown loach will not bother them.
If you’re looking for a fish that can join your guppies in a smaller tank, the clown loach may be perfect. They’re active and love to swim around, making them great companions for your guppies.
Dwarf Cichlid
Another fish that can join your guppies is the dwarf cichlid. These fish are known for their aggressive behavior and will usually eat smaller fish, including guppies.
Discus Fish and Guppies
If you’re considering adding a discus fish to your guppy tank, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First off, discus can be very territorial, so it’s important to make sure your guppies don’t get too close to them.
Also, be sure to provide plenty of hiding spots for the discus, as they are shy fish. Finally, Discus requires a lot of food and should be given large chunks of meaty fare such as small fish or shrimp.
If you’re looking to add a discus to your guppy tank, be sure to do plenty of research first!
Kuhli Loach and Guppies
If you’re looking to add some excitement and new life to your guppy tank, then you should consider adding a kuhli loach. Kuhlis are small and colorful fish that are native to China and Southeast Asia.
They’re known for their lively personalities, and are perfect for someone who wants to add some fun and excitement to their guppy tank. Guppies also make for a great companion fish for a kuhli loach, as they can peacefully coexist.
Snails and Guppies
Snails and guppies are closely related to fish species. These Snails are small, slow-moving creatures that live in freshwater environments. Guppies are small, fast-moving fish that live in water with high salt content.
Snails: Snails are a great addition to a guppy community aquarium because they eat small insects and other invertebrates. They also help to clean the tank and provide a source of organic matter for the guppies.
Crawfish: Crawfish are an excellent addition to a guppy community aquarium because they are scavengers and will eat any type of food that is available. Crawfish also keep the tank clean by eating decaying plant material.
Shrimp and Guppies
Guppies and shrimp can coexist in a tank, but they should be kept separate at first. Guppies are more likely to eat the shrimp, and shrimp can damage the guppy’s fins. If the guppies and shrimp get along well, they can be kept together in a tank.
Shrimps are another excellent addition to a guppy community aquarium because they are omnivorous and will eat both plant and animal life. Shrimps also provide shelter for smaller fish and can be used as food sources for the guppies.
Species to Avoid as Guppy Tank Mates
Here is a list of bad tank mates that you should probably avoid keeping with Guppies:
- Adult Angelfish
- Adult Cichlids
- Oscar Fish
- Tiger barbs
- Killifish
- Endler’s Livebearers
- Flowerhorn fish
- Goldfish
Adult Angelfish

Adult Cichlids

Tiger barbs

Oscar Fish


Flowerhorn fish


Any Other Mate large enough to eat them
What you want to do as a starting factor to help you decide is look at the size of the fish that you’re going to introduce, and if they are small enough that they cannot consume the guppies then you may be safer.
However, you really want to rely on the experts at your local aquarium shop to help you assist with choosing those species that you will know for sure are not going to upset the guppy tank.
Guppy Fish Tank Mates Conclusion
Guppy fish tanks can be a great addition to any home, but there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing one. First and foremost, make sure the tank is large enough for the guppy you intend to buy. Secondly, make sure the water parameters are good and suitable for the guppy species you choose. And finally, consider the companions your guppy will have in its new home – a fish tank can be lonely!
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