5 Interesting Guppy Tank Plants + Pictures

When setting up your aquarium to get ready for your guppies there are several things to focus on.

Of course, the priority is making a healthy environment for fish but you also want your tank to look attractive.

With the use of some interesting guppy tank aquarium plants, you can meet both of these needs.

however, just as your fish is beginning to take ongoing care and maintenance so are the plants,

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Do guppies need plants? Can guppies live without plants?

The truth is that guppies can live and do well for years in captive environments without live plants.

On the contrary, with professional Aquarists or hobbyists, guppies can survive both without a filter or live plants.

So, Why do we need Live plants for guppies? Do guppies need fake plants?

There are other ways to create hiding spots and cover using fake plants and other ornaments.

Without plants, you will not have the additional cleaning benefit that live plants offer,

which means you’ll have to do more often water changes and tank cleaning. 

In general, we’re always trying to recreate the conditions our fish usually live in the wild.

Benefits Pros of Live Aquarium Plants

The plants have some benefits for the fish such as they help to keep the nitrate levels lower.

They also help in boosting the oxygen levels thereby reducing the artificial equipment requirements.

They are also beneficial for keeping the algae under control that can form in the tank.

There are some types of plants that are low growing and these look great for covering the Tank floor.

To get the most aesthetic effect plan where and how your plants are going to benefit your guppies as well.

Selecting Aquarium Plants

There are 3 Selecting Cafeteria’s for Plants for Guppies

  1. Plants for Background of the Tank.
  2. Aquarium Plants for Bottom or Carpet areas of Tank.
  3. Plants for the Middle or Center of the Tank.

While there are other ones that are tall and leafy, and by using a combination you can also décor tanks.

When choosing your plants you will see that some of them are great for the background while others for carpet,

and then there are those in-between that are medium height and work well in the center of the aquarium.

Real Plants vs Fake Plants?

Let’s take a look at the differences between Live Plants vs Decor Plants.

This will help you decide which one is better for you.

Real Plants or Live Plants

Pros (Advantages)

  • They look aesthetically natural.
  • They create a beneficial biofilm.
  • Provides Camouflage and hiding places for fish.
  • They are lively ( Bloom and Grow)
  • Reduce Nitrite levels and filter water contaminants.
  • They control Carbon-Dioxide levels.

Cons (Disadvantages)

  • They need periodic trimming.
  • Specific Substrate Requirements
  • Specific lighting and water conditions required.
  • Fish may feed upon them.
  • They rot and spread diseases.
  • They die and are not for eternity.

Fake Plants or Decor Plants

Pros (Advantages)

  • They don’t develop or spread diseases.
  • They never grow hence no trimming required.
  • No specific lighting or water conditions required.
  • They still provide fish with hiding spots.
  • Some artificial aquarium plants look real.
  • Fish cannot eat them.
  • They never die.

Cons (Disadvantages)

  • They never bloom or grow.
  • Unable to create a beneficial biofilm.
  • Cannot filter the water contamination.
  • Cannot reduce nitrate level in the water.
  • They cannot oxygenate or reduce CO2 Levels in water.

Amazon Sword

These plants can grow to a nice height and average up to around 20 cm.

These are the plants that you want to set along the back to act as a background plant.

They are going to take some care, meaning you will need to prune them as leaves die off.

They grow well in temperatures between 72 to 82°F and require moderate lighting.

The benefit of amazon sword is they will provide a good hiding place for fry and adults.


This is a plant that is easy to clean and gives you some height in your plant choices.

It is an easy type of plant that requires medium to low lighting and little care and maintenance.

Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis). with fluffy, feathery green leaves.

Anubias Barteri (Marble)

For the in-between-sized plants, this is a good choice with low lighting requirements and is easy to look after.

It works best when you plan them for planting in the center of your aquarium.

Anubias aquatic plant in an aquarium. Anubias nana. Soft focus

Asian Ambulia

As an alternative to the Amazon Sword for your backdrop planting, this is also a good choice.

It will require medium to low lighting and again is classed as easy to care for.

Some more plants for your Guppy Aquarium

  1. Java Moss
  2. Flame Moss
  3. Moneywort
  4. Hornwort
  5. Cryptocoryne
  6. Christmas Moss – Vesicularia Montagnei
  7. Anacharis Elodea Densa.
  8. Water Sprite (Ceratopteris Thalictroides)
  9. Water Wisteria.
  10. Java Fern – Microsorum Pteropus.
  11. Java Fern Microsorum Bundle (Narrow Leaf, Philippine, Trident, Windelov)

While not all of these plants may be available to you at your local aquarium shop.

In summary

You can even opt for different heights and the fullness of the plants to decorate the tank as you see fit.

Make sure whatever plants you choose, are guppy-friendly and not going to bring any harm to them.

The one nice thing about guppies is they do not destroy plants so you will not deal with this issue.

You may also be thinking about using artificial plants and sticking them with glue which is fine as well,

but you have to be extra cautious that they are appropriate for tank use and don’t contain any toxins.

Make sure maintenance and requirements for various plants don’t conflict with the requirements of the guppy.

This means having plants that meet the proper water temperature as well as the lighting.

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